Lake Charles Uber Accident Attorney

Have you or a loved one been injured in an accident with an Uber driver?

If so, you may be eligible to pursue compensation for your injuries and damages. Filing a claim or taking legal action for an Uber accident, however, can be complicated. That is why you need an experienced attorney on your side to help you navigate the legal process.

A Lake Charles Uber accident lawyer at Galloway Jefcoat is prepared to review your situation, answer any questions you may have and discuss your available legal options during a risk-free, zero-obligation consultation. We know what it takes to successfully obtain compensation after a car accident, including those that involve ridesharing services. To date, we have recovered millions of dollars for our clients.

For more than two decades, Founder and partner John Jefcoat has represented many injured victims throughout the state of Louisiana. He has also been a member of the Louisiana Bar Association since 2004. Our firm charges no upfront fees to take on a case and no fees while we work on a case.

Find out if you have a case. Call: 337-984-8020.

How Can an Attorney Help Me?

Uber accidents can be complicated because there may be several parties involved. Trying to hold the ridesharing service accountable when someone is hurt by one of their drivers is even more of a challenge. It would be in your best interest in these situations to retain legal representation.

A licensed attorney can handle all communications with other parties and insurance companies. He or she can help protect your rights and prevent the insurance company from trying to devalue or deny your claim.

At Galloway Jefcoat, our Lake Charles Uber accident attorneys are well-versed in insurance laws that govern Uber and other ridesharing services. If you have a valid case, we are prepared to fight to recover fair compensation for your injuries by doing the following:

  • Launching a detailed investigation to determine the cause of the accident
  • Identifying all parties who may be responsible for your injuries and damages
  • Reviewing all available insurance coverage
  • Negotiating for the maximum compensation possible

We have the resources and staff to help guide you through the legal process. Contact our firm today to see how else we may be able to assist you. The initial consultation comes at no cost or obligation to you.

Read some testimonials from satisfied clients.

Can I File a Claim Against an Uber Driver?

If the injuries you suffered in an accident were due to a negligent driver, our attorneys are here to help.

Negligence can come in many different forms. It is a legal theory used to establish liability and refers to the failure to exercise reasonable care towards others. For instance, if a driver was disobeying traffic laws, speeding, or texting behind the wheel, his or her actions may be deemed negligent.

If your Uber driver failed to act in a reasonable manner, then he or she may be liable for any damages you have sustained, such as any medical costs you have incurred and lost wages from missing work.

A Lake Charles Uber accident attorney at our firm is ready to help prove negligence and gather the evidence to build a strong case for compensation. We are available anytime, 24/7, to take your call.

What If I Was Injured as an Uber Passenger?

If you were injured as a passenger in an Uber due to another driver, you may be able to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company. The claim would proceed much in the same way if you were injured driving your own vehicle.

Louisiana is an at-fault state, which means the at-fault driver and his or her insurance company is responsible for paying your damages.

State law requires all drivers to carry a minimum amount of auto insurance. This includes:

  • $15,000 for bodily injuries to one person
  • $30,000 for bodily injuries to more than one person

If your Uber driver caused the accident, you may be able to file a claim against Uber’s liability coverage. The ridesharing service provides $1,000,000 in third-party liability coverage to help pay for injuries and damages sustained by Uber passengers and passengers of other vehicles harmed by the Uber driver. This coverage applies during trips and when an Uber driver is on route to pick someone up.

Coverage for Other Drivers and Pedestrians

If you were injured by an Uber driver as a pedestrian or while driving your own vehicle, Uber’s third-party liability coverage will likely apply. The Uber driver must have caused the accident and resulting damages while driving someone else on a trip.

Does it matter if the driver was offline at the time of the accident?

If you were injured by an Uber driver who was offline – meaning the app was turned off – his or her personal insurance company’s coverage will likely apply. If the Uber driver was available and waiting for a ride request, Uber’s third-party liability insurance may help cover the following:

  • $50,000 in bodily injury per person
  • $100,000 in bodily injury per accident
  • $25,000 in property damage per accident

Our experienced Lake Charles Uber accident lawyers are prepared to help you file a claim under the applicable insurance policy or policies to help you seek the compensation you need.

What if the At-Fault Driver Lacks Insurance?

If an Uber driver was offline when he or she caused an accident but does not have personal insurance coverage or enough insurance to cover your damages, you may still be able to seek compensation.

For instance, if you were injured while traveling in another vehicle, you may be able to file a claim against your uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist coverage. This coverage helps pay for any bodily injury you or another passenger in your vehicle sustains in an accident.

In Louisiana, most drivers have UM/UIM coverage because insurers are required to offer it, but it is not mandatory to purchase.

If you were riding in an Uber vehicle and injured in an accident due to another driver without insurance, the ridesharing service also offers uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury insurance. This coverage may even apply if the at-fault driver hit the Uber vehicle and fled the scene of the accident.

Need legal help? Call us today at 337-984-8020.

Can I Sue Uber for Company Negligence?

The answer is most likely no. Uber’s terms of use specify that claims brought against the company must be settled through binding arbitration. That means an arbitrator, often a former lawyer or retired judge reviews the case and makes a decision that cannot be appealed.

If you believe you may have a claim against Uber, give us a call today to discuss it. Our attorneys may be able to assist you, including representing you at an arbitration hearing.

Damages You May Be Able to Recover

Liability insurance generally covers medical care related to your injuries and property damage. If we determine that you have a case, you may be able to recover damages like:

  • Expenses for medical treatment, including future care
  • Lost income from being unable to work while in recovery
  • Lost earning capacity (either temporary or permanent)
  • Other accident-related expenses, such as travel costs to doctor visits
  • Disability (temporary or permanent limitations) due to the accident
  • Compensation for physical and mental pain and suffering

How Long Do I Have to Take Legal Action?

It is important to file a claim sooner rather than later. You do not want the insurance company questioning the existence and extent of your injuries.

While you may not be able to sue Uber, you may be able to sue an at-fault driver. Under Louisiana’s statute of limitations, lawsuits must be filed within one year from the date of the accident. While one year may seem like enough time to file, investigating the accident scene and gathering the supportive evidence needed to establish liability and prove negligence takes time.

There may also be exceptions that exist in these cases, requiring you to file sooner than the deadline. That is why you need a qualified lawyer at your side to determine the deadline that applies to your situation.

Free case review. 24/7. Ph: 337-984-8020.

What Should I Do After an Uber Accident?

Your actions after an Uber accident could affect your health and your ability to recover compensation:

  • Report the accident to the police – A responding officer will document the accident and record important details about what happened. Whether you file a claim or lawsuit, your attorney can rely on the police report as he or she conducts his or her own accident investigation.
  • Exchange contact and insurance information with all involved – This includes name, address, phone number, insurance company, policy number, driver’s license numbers and license plate numbers.
  • Document the accident and relevant details – Your memory of the accident will fade over time. If you are physically capable, take pictures of the Uber vehicle and other vehicles involved, different angles of the accident scene and your injuries. Speak with witnesses or other passengers and ask for their contact details. Write down the events as you remember them.
  • Get examined by a medical professional – Do not avoid going to the hospital or seeing a doctor just because you think you are fine. You may have sustained internal injuries. A medical professional can make sure that all your injuries are identified and treated promptly. A visit to the doctor can also help establish a causal link between the Uber accident and your injuries.
  • Consider reaching out for legal help – Uber accident cases can be complex because there might be several parties involved. These parties may shift blame to one another. An attorney can help handle all discussions with other parties and insurance companies on your behalf.

Factors That Contribute to Uber Accidents

Anyone who operates a vehicle is expected to abide by the law and drive safely, including drivers of ridesharing vehicles. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.

Some factors that contribute to Uber accidents include:

  • Distracted driving – When Uber drivers look and type information to get directions, especially while driving, they are not paying close attention to the road and may cause an accident.
  • Looking for passengers – Uber drivers may not always be familiar with the area they pick up passengers from. They may be looking for the correct street to turn into or scanning for a passenger on the edge of the road. They can drive slower and make sudden, unexpected stops.
  • Driver fatigue – Uber drivers often work long hours to make extra money, which can lead to driver fatigue. Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • Reckless driving – This can include speeding, tailgating, ignoring traffic signals and unsafe lane changes. These actions can put Uber passengers and other drivers sharing the road in danger.
  • Failure to properly maintain vehicle – Faulty brakes and tire blowouts due to improper vehicle maintenance can become a serious hazard on the road and increase the risk of an accident.

Call a Lake Charles Uber Accident Lawyer

If you or your loved one were injured in an Uber accident, reach out to a lawyer at Galloway Jefcoat for legal help. Injured victims who hire lawyers often obtain more compensation than victims who do not.

Our firm has a proven track record, successfully recovering millions in compensation for Louisiana residents over more than 20 years of service. The initial consultation is 100 percent free and completely confidential. You are not obligated after this meeting to take legal action.

If you have a case and decide to move more forward, we also do not charge upfront fees for our services, so there is no risk to you. Our support staff is available anytime, day or night, to take your call.

Galloway Jefcoat. Zero upfront fees. Ph: 337-984-8020.