What Does it Mean to be Declared Disabled?

It is up to an administrative judge to determine if you can be declared disabled. A five step process well determine the rules and a lawyer should know what those processes are. Medical evidence will be gathered and attorney Jason Weaver advises his clients to testify in court. Watch as Lake Charles SSD lawyer Jason Weaver explains the process in detail and why you need a lawyer to help you with any questions you might have.

Video Transcription:

A lawyer will number one know the law, what it means to be disabled. To be declared disabled under the rules of the social administration is a question of law. A lot of folks, “Well my doctor said I can’t work and so why am I not disabled?” Well it’s not up to your doctor, it is up to the administrative law judge. There’s actually a five-step process by what it means to be declared disabled under the rules of the administration, and a lawyer would presumably know those five steps. They also would gather medical evidence, your medical records and be able to explain to the judge what the medical evidence means, what it shows about your physical condition, and then synchronize that with or synthesize that with the five steps of what it means to be disabled as to why you particularly are disabled under the rules of the administration. I advise claimants to testify at the hearing, where I will ask them questions, the judge may ask them questions. We do a pre-hearing consult where we go over everything and kind of explain the theory of the case, if you have any questions this is the time, that’s what we do, that’s what I think a lawyer would do for you. For more information or for a free consultation give us a call 337-984-8020 or for more information go to our website www.GallowayJefcoat.com.